Vivo Per La Tua Morte / Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck


2008 release. Digitmovies presents the complete original soundtrack of Vivo Per La Tua Morte (Aka "A Long Ride From Hell") directed in 1968 by Alex Burks (real name Camillo Buzzoni) and starring Steve Reeves, also scenario writer and producer, and the mythic Hercules of the big screen. The music score is written by the noted Carlo Savina (1919-2002), one of the most famous orchestra conductors for the cinema and TV. Vivo Per La Tua Morte is issued for the first absolute time in complete form derived from the mono master tapes kept in the RCA vaults. Only two tracks were already issued in 1970 (with alternate titles) on the promotional compilation Savina's Western, but the orchestral score sees the light of the day only now. The movie and Digitmovies' CD opens with the theme song "Go West Young Men" performed by the voice of Don Powell accompanied by Cantori Moderni di Alessandroni. This lively theme is reprised by Savina with an epic version, performed by French horns and orchestra and the Peplum sound atmosphere, due the fact Steve "Hercules" Reeves is the protagonist is not at all casual. This OST of Savina has all the elements typical of the genre: suspense given by bass guitar, organ, and brass with the orchestra performance, a delicate and nostalgic love theme, lounge style western music, and saloon music. Due the short length of this OST, in the CD Digitmovies also added the complete OST by Carlo Savina from the Italian-Spanish co-production distributed in Spain by MGM, Il Misterioso Signor Van Eyck (aka "El Misterioso Señor Van Eyck") directed in 1965 by Agustín Navarro and starring Espartaco Santoni, Teresa Velázquez, Massimo Girotti, and Franco Fabrizi. This adventure movie tells about a group of people searching for a treasury sunk with the body of mysterious Charles Van Eyck, killed during a fight on a yacht by one of the sailors. The exotic location is exalted by the music themes by Carlo Savina, whose score is based on a recurrent, epic and adventurous main theme for organ and orchestra that recalls a little of the western atmosphere. The efforts to rescue the treasury in the deep of the sea are scored with fascinating musical sequences with magic and suspended colors given by instruments like harp, vibe, organ, celesta. Two treasures of the Italian silver age.