Penny is a feature documentary directed by Maya Hardinge. It follows the life of Penny from her time as a teenager living in Uckfield (UK) to Germany and overland by truck in the 1970s through Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and full circle years later back to her home town. The soundtrack, like the film, is a collage, composed of sounds and events depicting Penny's journey. While the recently released cassette on woodfordhalse foregrounds Penny's voice by incorporating generous amounts of dialogue into the music, this LP offers a companion piece that presents Penny from a completely different perspective, focusing entirely on the music, as composed by Maya Hardinge and David Zuckerman. The album is orchestrated as a pastiche of short vignettes that shift effortlessly between whimsy and darkness, much in the spirit of the great new wave Czech cinema soundtracks such as Valarie And Her Week Of Wonders, and Daisies. These compositions convey an emotional pallet that tells penny's story in a manner that lies beyond words. Album comes with full color insert.
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Within this interference pattern, to the contrary, any similitude dissolves and hence the dependence of space on a reference frame is no longer maintained. Orientation is now relative and arbitrary, for the dismantling of the fixed-point strips fifteen years of, let's call it, empirical reality of its novel status. Fear not, this is small-scale stuff! Should your future, whether protracted, brief, or fluctuant in relation to your daily needs, include any examination of the appearance and disappearance of things, this document of a divergent path will, most likely, have no impact on your experience. If one were to speak candidly, innocently, there's a possibility that a statement such as the following might be uttered -- "There is no longer a linear chronicle, there are only shards of a perceived history, a formless sludge made up of endless neutral particles. Malleable, yes, but with increasing frequency recombined under a set of standards dictated by the obligations of a collective unlived memory, never mind by a commercial venture, although it remains implied." Fear not, servitude is still conditional! In this instance, at least. And, you'll still need some form of cash -- cold, hard or subjective -- and you'd do well to consider what methodology of relinquishment you plan for these slabs of plastic after your inevitable departure. Consider the serenity of your executor! Recorded, mixed and edited by Jason Meagher in 2007. Rejected by the powers that be shortly thereafter. Limited to 100 copies.
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"In some distant future? No, you say. Now, there's a logic in being skeptical about seers, but there have been some murmurings that perhaps you're devoid as well. Easy stuff is fun, it's the obvious stuff that should make your hair stand on end. Fun stuff is fun, they say. So, drop it and have a little conjuring session. If there's desert access, take advantage of it, you'll be glad you did. For the less fortunate of us, find a field, a rooftop, a city street corner. Let's say that you're worried that you've been dubbed a thing, marked. Who isn't? Who hasn't? Now look up at the sky; please don't be concerned with the time of day or night. At some point, they'll be born into it. In how distant a future? A requiem for a failed space program vibrates the air. Electronic fireworks sizzle in the distance. Somewhere, a beacon has been received. Will they shed it, their mark? Remember, there's comfort in not suffering. And the profanity of genre, it's like a curse! Worse still, each remaining one a lonely scaffold supporting the crumbling edifice, their backs to the proverbial wall and thus facing the wrong way. Will there be more? Think of the awful words they'll designate to them, spat out. The edifice presupposes something on the other side of it. Something to come; this is what's to come music. Can you hear the signals embedded within? How about the patterns? Are you counting, are you good with numbers? Here being the moment when a nay-sayer could interject some paradox about the difference between remembering and repetition. Or a haiku about the void. But if you look over there you can see those wavering shadows. There is light around that corner, fire born maybe. See how it glows, then see the projected flickering darkness? This is music for a deprogramming. In some distant future? you ask. Well, not yet." Recorded winter 2021/22. Silkscreen by SIWA Prints. Limited to 100 copies.
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Decimus: "New dimensions of silence, solitude, and isolation found us all in the spring of 2020. Herein lies a document of my own personal journey. Recorded outside and alone." Art by Alan Sherry at SIWA Prints.
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No Neck Blues Band, recorded in Marseille 2009. Limited to 100 LPs.
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Recorded during the summer of 2014. The sounds enshrined here document the final days of Raajmahal. After this there was silence. Art by Alan Sherry at SIWA Prints. Limited to 100 copies.