Golden Solitude

KK 047CD KK 047CD

This is the debut full-length release by Ritornell, a collaboration between Austria's Richard Eigner and Roman Gerold. Karaoke Kalk's head Thorsten Lütz first met Eigner back in 2006. That was in Melbourne during the Red Bull Music Academy. They got along with each other instantly and stayed in touch. Eigner and Gerold had already worked together on music for the dance performance Urgent Appetite by Canadian choreographer Laura Kappel. Golden Solitude ranges between cheerful dance tunes and high-brow audible music. Playful yet respectful, Ritornell explore the aesthetic achievements of 20th century pop and avant-garde, experimenting with bits and pieces from pop culture and acoustic and electronic sounds. As to the technical polish of this fresh emulsion of sounds, the duo was assisted by legendary leftfield electronic musician, Patrick Pulsinger. Eigner works mainly as a composer and sound-artist, but he has also contributed as a drummer to various productions, such as Patrick Wolf's album Magic Position. In 2005, he won the Elektronikland award for experimental electronic music. Besides quite a few other musical projects, he runs his own label, Wald Entertainment. Roman Gerold, an awardee himself, has been working as a pianist for various jazz bands in Austria, and composes music freelance for theater and film. Live, Ritornell showcase their material as a electro-acoustic trio together with Gerhard Daurer. They focus on improvisation with a very reduced instrumental set-up. While Gerhard Daurer maxes out the possibilities of his specially-devised gamepad-granular-synthesizer, Roman Gerold adds subtle melodies and vivid drones as well as processing the live-inputs of the acoustic instruments. Richard Eigner provides the electronic improvisations with fine acoustic rhythms and textures, playing his ride-cymbal with the use of diverse utensils such as bass bows, sizzle-chains or a toilet brush. Golden Solitude provides the listener with a modern and extremely human sound experience that unites passion and irony.