Rest At Worlds End

RCD 2081CD RCD 2081CD

This is the third full-length album from Norway's Humcrush (Thomas Strønen and Ståle Storløkken). Rest At Worlds End was recorded live at various European venues, although the high level of musicianship and focus on detail could easily lead you to think it would be a meticulously assembled studio recording. With this record, the duo continue adventurous explorations of abstract grooves and atmospheric moods. Thomas Strønen has studied music and composition and is a regular member of several bands, most notably Food, Maria Kannegaard Trio and Parish, the quartet led by Swedish ace pianist Bobo Stenson. As is the case for most Norwegian jazz musicians of his generation, he has played with just about everybody and has been a frequent performer on the Norwegian and European festival circuit for several years. Ståle Storløkken is a founding member of Supersilent, Elephant9, and played on Terje Rypdal records, but was first noticed with freeform trio Veslefrekk with fellow Supersilent members Arve Henriksen and Jarle Vespestad. He is probably the most versatile and adventurous electric keyboard player within the Norwegian scene at the moment. Rest At Worlds End perfectly showcases each artist's individual technical virtuosic talent -- Strønen's percussion is textured, precise and surprising, while Storløkken's keyboard work is diverse and varied, using daubs of sound across a colorful sonic spectrum. Sometimes frenetic, sometimes meanderingly contemplative, Rest At Worlds End stimulates your nerve-endings and fires neurons you never even knew existed. The double limited edition gatefold LP version has 7 bonus tracks not on the CD. Ståle Storløkken (keyboards), Thomas Strønen (drums, electronics).