Penny is a feature documentary directed by Maya Hardinge. It follows the life of Penny from her time as a teenager living in Uckfield (UK) to Germany and overland by truck in the 1970s through Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and full circle years later back to her home town. The soundtrack, like the film, is a collage, composed of sounds and events depicting Penny's journey. While the recently released cassette on woodfordhalse foregrounds Penny's voice by incorporating generous amounts of dialogue into the music, this LP offers a companion piece that presents Penny from a completely different perspective, focusing entirely on the music, as composed by Maya Hardinge and David Zuckerman. The album is orchestrated as a pastiche of short vignettes that shift effortlessly between whimsy and darkness, much in the spirit of the great new wave Czech cinema soundtracks such as Valarie And Her Week Of Wonders, and Daisies. These compositions convey an emotional pallet that tells penny's story in a manner that lies beyond words. Album comes with full color insert.