
BB 070CD BB 070CD

Bureau B presents a new album by Germany's legendary Kreidler. "A simple plan: five days recording, three days mixing. One would hope that after over fifteen years of playing together, we might have acquired a certain degree of dexterity. Even for the last album Mosaik 2014 (Italic, 2009) we shut ourselves into Kreidler's own Shed In The Park studio in Cologne for five days without any warm-up and began recording. The band was geographically divided equally between Berlin (Alex Paulick, Andreas Reihse) and Düsseldorf (Thomas Klein, Detlef Weinrich). The actual recordings took place in September 2010 at Tobias Levin's Electric Avenue Studio in Hamburg. The idea behind the simple plan, of course, is rock'n'roll -- the energy of a live show captured on record. But it must sound good. Especially the drums. And Tobias Levin was the man for the job, a master of miking and a multiplier of the moment. We knew what we wanted: first take, no shake, followed directly by mixing in Kreuzberg with Hannes Bieger, namely analog, on tape. A bit of editing work was needed nevertheless, and in the end the post-production lasted eight days. So what do the pieces mean? Well, the titles may offer a few hints. A dystopia? In some places, perhaps. A positive utopia? In other places, for certain. A description of the present time? Kreidler think in terms of records and in the arithmetic of the great disco albums: NEU! 75, Saint Tropez or Patrick Cowley, examples from the ranks of legendary six-song albums, or the unpolished wildness in Tobias Levin's studio met with the controlled artificiality of Hannes Bieger, all mastered to the appropriate dimensions by Bo Kondren and the unsettling sublimity of Andro Wekua's cover painting. Indeed, Tank does relate to the narrative of Mosaik 2014, but Tank also deals with the break from that narrative. And in some respects, the album recalls our very first effort, Riva from 1994, which may lie in the pace of its development, or the fact that we have tried to keep the structure of the pieces simple and direct, that we used the computer more as a canister, a container or a vessel and less as an operating room. And of course, the fact that Kreidler has once again become a four-piece band, a band with a clear understanding of roles: a drummer, a bassist who can also reach for the guitar, a keyboard player and a man for the electronics." --Kreidler